Ricardo has written 2 books, beginning in 2000 with Privileged Encounters, a hardcover, pictorial one that details his encounters with the interviewees, which he followed in 2005 by The Lebanese Paris, a book that narrates the story of the Lebanese community in France, since the outbreak of the civil war in 1975 till the year 2005.
He contributes articles, blogs and forewords on a regular basis for several publications, LinkedIn platform and others’ books.

Le Paris Libanais
His second book “Le Paris Libanais” (The Lebanese Paris) which launched in December 2004, narrates the story of the Lebanese community in France, since the outbreak of the civil war in 1975 till this day.
Seen through the eyes of business makers and entrepreneurs, thinkers and writers, artists and political personalities, this 614 page volume of texts and photographs cited 2000 luminaries, becoming the first of its kind in Lebanese literature.
Moreover, the book portrays the energy, creativity and faith of the Lebanese expatriates, their will to overcome all odds and to lay the foundation of a cedar community along the banks of the Seine River.

Rencontres Privilégiées
In “Rencontres Privilégiées” (Privileged Encounters) published and distributed in 2000 in Beirut, Paris, London, Geneva, and New York, Ricardo brought together a selection of his finest television interviews taken from his show “Maraya”.
This high quality 632 page hardcover book, written one part in French and the other in Arabic, comes to complete Ricardo’s introductions. It features exclusive, unedited, black and white photographs which guests have provided from their own archives.